Ulster County to ramp up vaccine distribution coalition


KINGSTON – Seven Ulster County residents died this past weekend from the coronavirus and more positive cases have surfaced bringing this second wave to a dangerous level, County Executive Patrick Ryan said on Tuesday.

The light at the end of the tunnel is the vaccine, which has just rolled out in England and is expected to be available to healthcare workers and nursing home patients in the U.S. in a week or so.

While it may not be available to the general public until the spring, Ryan announced the formation of a vaccine distribution coalition.

“We are going to build a wide coalition from across our county of healthcare experts and providers, of faith leaders and religious leaders, and other community leaders, of elected officials, of voices that are known and trusted in the community, make sure that they, along with the public, are getting all the information and science that we know and that we can have trusted voices communicating the benefits and the importance of widespread vaccinations,” he said.

To date in Ulster County, there have been 4,114 positive COVID-19 cases with a total of 107 deaths.

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