Town of Lumberland swears in new supervisor

Alongside her family, Suzanne Edzenga takes the oath of office (photo provided)
Suzanne Edzenga was appointed by the Lumberland Town Board to fill the vacancy for the office of supervisor (photo provided)

LUMBERLAND- The new year brings a new supervisor to the Town of Lumberland in Sullivan County.  Suzanne Edzenga took the oath of office this week after being appointed by the town board to fill the vacancy created when former supervisor Jenny Mellan resigned.

“I’m very excited to take on this new opportunity,” said Edzenga, who previously served on the town council and as deputy town supervisor.  “I’m looking forward to working with the other board members to continue improving the quality of life for all residents of the town.”
Edzenga was originally elected to the town board in 2021 and prior to that, served as the chairwoman of the town’s planning board.  In addition to her duties as supervisor, Edzenga is the Executive Director for Assemblyman Karl Brabenec.
A special election will be held in November 2024 to fill the unexpired term of Mellan and Edzenga indicated she is planning to run.

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