History comes to life for middle school children

Sixth grade revolutionaries

CARMEL – Folks driving by Lake Gleneida in Carmel on Thursday may have been startled to see a mustering of mini Colonial soldiers near the statue of Sybil Ludington.

Fear not, it was not a revolution, but rather was just a collection of sixth graders from the George Fischer Middle School having a hands-on history session.

The outing was part of a symbiotic inter-disciplinary unit conceived by their reading teachers.

Denise Santalis and Lucy Weinhammer collaborated with the Living History Education Foundation along with Rob Bucheri and Keith Reilly who teach Social Studies to create the unit.

“We were amazed that our students were unaware of the marvelous history found right here in the Hudson Valley especially their hometown,” said Santalis.

Students dressed in Revolutionary War garb provided by the foundation learned their paces with a chilly wind blowing throughout the county seat.

After Putnam County Historian Jennifer Cassidy and County Executive Kevin Byrne “inspected” the troops, Santalis noted, “Our students now realize what it was like to be a soldier during the Revolutionary War. This lesson is bringing history to life for these young people.”

Cassidy praised the endeavor.: “Ms. Santalis’ historic walking tour of Carmel celebrates American history at home and provides a fun and unique experience for her students, fellow faculty, staff, and onlookers alike. With the addition of the reenactors from the 5th New York Regiment, it truly brought regional history to life with hands-on learning. As a municipal historian it warms my heart to see so many dedicated educators helping students develop historical thinking.  It was a beautiful day with an even better turn out for such a unique experience. Indelible memories were made.”

Santalis was presented with a special sword-award from the 5th NY Regiment for her efforts.

The students also hiked along the Fred Dill Sanctuary before visiting the Reed Library, Drew United Methodist Church and the historic Putnam Courthouse for a presentation from Putnam County Judge Anthony Mole.


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