Molinaro introduces bipartisan bill to combat rural inflation


ULSTER- Congressman Marc Molinaro (R, NY-19) introduced the bipartisan “Combating Rural Inflation Act” alongside Congressman Joe Neguse (D, CO-2) which would create a rural Consumer Price Index (CPI) measurement to fully account for and track cost changes in rural communities in Upstate New York.

The CPI is the nation’s benchmark inflation measurement, but it primarily collects data from consumers in urban areas.  The CPI is used to determine economic outlook, and importantly, is used to calculate the cost of living adjustments for food assistance programs, Social Security, Medicare, and veteran benefits.  Molinaro is concerned that rural communities are not well represented by the current index, and as a result, residents could be shortchanged.

“We know the cost of living is still on the rise, but for rural communities, it could be even worse.  Many rural communities aren’t included in existing Consumer Price Index data, the leading national inflation measurement used to calculate cost of living adjustments and eligibility for assistance programs.  Rural New Yorkers should never be the afterthought.  My bill creates a rural inflation metric so cost of living increases in rural communities are thoroughly accounted for and considered,” said Molinaro.

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