Black Friday, or is it Thursday?


Early Black Friday shoppers take a break Thursday night

TOWN OF WAlLKILL – The Galleria at Crystal Run reports a strong start to the holiday shopping season, with stores drawing long lines and anchors performing strongly Thursday night. The mall was open from 8:00pm-1:00am.
Victoria’s Secret is best known on Thanksgiving for its free tote bags. At partner store PINK, leopard-print Sherpa hoodies were neatly stacked on a table and marked down from $80.00 to $35.00. The table was empty within five minutes. Victoria’s Secret projects that it will see an increase in sales over Thanksgiving 2017.
Game Stop’s line at opening wrapped around the neighboring Kay Jewelers. A noticeably pleased manager described the crowd in the store as “shoulder to shoulder” and “double the turnout from last year.”
Elsewhere, other stores, including big boxes, continued the new ‘tradition’ of beginning the big sales on Thanksgiving Day.
One area Walmart was open the full day on Thursday. Main aisles were lined with goodies, but signs noted that Black Friday prices would not be honored until 6 PM.   

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