Maloney’s calls for hearing before Middletown man is deported comes too late


MIDDLETOWN – Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney called on Immigration and Customs Enforcement to immediately provide a hearing for Toribio Cervantes, an undocumented Middletown man, who had been detained.
That came too late as Immigration and Customs Enforcement sent Cervantes
back to Mexico, the country from where he migrated to the US illegally
in 1990.
On Tuesday, Maloney said, “Any attempt to deport him without due process would be an outrageous breach of our basic legal responsibilities.”
Cervantes had lived in the United States for decades. In 1993, he was caught up in a sweep by ICE along with dozens of other undocumented immigrants.
He could not read English and did not have an attorney present, but he was forced to sign a voluntary departure document. He was recently apprehended by ICE at his home in the middle of the night.

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