O&R’s new $26 million substation up and running in Deerpark


Cutting the ribbon on the new sub-station are, from left, Town Highway
Superintendent Ed Hughson, Town
Supervisor Gary Spears, O&R Vice President for Operations Francis
Peverly, Town Emergency Management
Director Jack Flynn and Town Police Chief Richard Sztyndor.

PORT JERVIS – A $26 million electric substation, which has been
improving service reliability to Deerpark and the surrounding areas since
June, has been formally dedicated.

Orange and Rockland Utilities’ Vice President for Operations Francis
Peverly said in addition to improving service reliability, the new capacity
the substation adds to the O&R system permits it to more easily integrate
into its grid renewable energy from several new solar projects proposed
for the region.

Peverly said the clean energy from the solar projects is a benefit to
O&R customers and the environment.”

Deerpark Town Supervisor Gary Spears said the substation “makes
a good annual addition to the town’s tax revenue (and) it’s
located right next to our industrial park site. We hope to further develop
that site with new businesses to keep the taxes low. Access to more power
through the new substation will help us do that.”

The new substation directly benefits 6,5000 customers.