Judge finds Wawayanda 6 guilty of disorderly conduct


Wawayanda 6, the people who were arrested on December 18, 2015 for handcuffing
themselves to the entrance of the CPV natural gas-powered generating plant
in the town, were found guilty of disorderly conduct and fined $250 plus
a $125 surcharge.

Chief Assistant Orange County District Attorney Christopher Borek asked
the court to also impose community service, but Judge Timothy McElduff,
Jr. rejected that and just imposed the fine to be paid within 45 days.

Cromwell vows not to pay the fine

Construction continues on Rt. 6

One of the defendants, actor James Cromwell of Warwick, is not going
to lie down and take the conviction and fine.

“At some point, I hope in the very near future, some judge or some
jury will recognize that we are imperiled, that we are doing these actions
out of our love for humanity and our caring for this planet and they will
overturn this,” he said. “I will not pay this fine; I will
go to jail. I don’t care and I will appeal. This is not over,”
he said.

Another of the defendants, Pramilla Malick, said the fight is not over.

“We’re not going to stop. We are not giving up. I am not going
to sell my house and leave,” she said. “We are going to monitor
the air quality. We are going to monitor the air quality. We are going
to monitor the air quality. We are going to prevent it from becoming operational.
We are going to prevent that lateral pipeline from getting a permit. We
are not going to give up,” she told supporters outside town court.
Their attorney, Michael Sussman, said he will appeal the town justice’s
verdict and fine.

The Wawayanda 6 includes Cromwell, Malick, Madeline Shaw, Naomi Miller,
Terri Klemm and Maureen Murphy-Smolka.




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