Sales tax surprise for Sullivan County


MONTICELLO – It won’t pay for a new jail, or even avoid a tax hike next year, but Sullivan County was pleasantly surprised with a huge spike in sales tax revenue for this October.
That’s according to County Treasurer Nancy Buck.
 “For the month of October, we’re up $1.2 million from last year at this time,” Buck told county legislators during Thursday’s Management and Budget Committee meeting.
Payments can fluctuate widely, noted the treasurer, who attributes that to changes at the state level that makes the payments in a more timely manner. 
Buck also said she is not calling this a ‘windfall’.
“I think it’s just finally balancing to just where we expected it to be,” Buck said.  “We’re going to hit the budget that we planned on and I’m hoping that there will be some left over and that we’ll have some fund balance.”
That could help County Manager Joshua Potosek in wrapping up his budget proposal which he said he plans to present next Friday.  He is not going into specifics but with bonding for the new jail, even at a lower cost than anticipated, the tax levy will go up for 2017.