East Coast trucking company sets up shop in eastern Orange


CAMPBELL HALL – A trucking company that has been servicing the greater Newburgh area from four different depots, has leased a 19,000 square foot facility on Stone Castle Road in Campbell Hall to expand its business.
A. Duie Pyle seized the opportunity to grown the Mid-Hudson market, said company Chief Operating Officer Randy Swart.
“We have consistently grown in that area and we really believe that having a facility right there will allow us to continue grow the area serving more direct service,” Swart said. “One of our primary services is before noon deliveries and being right there allows us to do it much more economically.”
Until now, the company, headquartered outside Philadelphia, was serving the Mid-Hudson from four terminals – Southington, Connecticut, Carteret, New Jersey, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania and Albany, New York.  Their trucks are frequently seen on Interstate 84 and the Thruway.

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