EPA, DEC reach agreement on two projects related to new TZ Bridge


ALBANY – The State Department of Environmental Conservation and the US Environmental Protection agency have agreed that two projects related to construction of the new Tappan Zee Bridge will be eligible for Clean Water State Revolving Fund money.
EPA Regional Director Judith Enck and State DEC Commissioner Joseph Martens have agreed that oyster bed restoration at a cost of $1.2 million and a falcon nest box valued at $100,000 will be financed.
The EPA already approved five estuary improvement projects related to the bridge that were funded through the same program last year – specifically Gay’s Point restoration, Piermont Marsh restoration, net conservation benefit plan, stormwater management measures and Atlantic Sturgeon outreach program.
Other projects, for which funding had been sought but was not approved, will be taken off the table by agreement of both agencies.
The new funding agreements were announced on Tuesday.

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