Councilwoman Mejia wants equity, fairness in addressing Newburgh housing conditions


NEWBURGH – Councilwoman Karen Mejia has called on top Newburgh officials to “demonstrate equity and fairness” when dealing with the city’s housing stock.  She called for clarity on the process for prioritizing when the city takes action on dangerous private property conditions.
“We are continuing, I think, more aggressively now around the vacant registry that we have and the rental registry in terms of being more aggressive; this is my call for the fairness and equity act about when the city takes action – the turnaround time – when taking over properties,” she said.
Mejia said there is a perception that if you live above Route 9W, the
city delivers services “in a more timely manner than if you live
below 9W.” She represents the city’s East End Historic district
and waterfront.

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