Corporate and charter jet facilities to be built at New York Stewart

Jets coming to Stewart

STEWART AIRPORT – Two corporate aviation hangar projects have been approved for development at New York Stewart International Airport.

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey operates Stewart at Newburgh.

One lease approved by the board on Thursday was awarded to Sky Harbour Group Corp., a general aviation jet facility development, that proposed developing half of the parcel to build 13 individual jet hangars as a corporate jet campus.

In 2023 Sky Harbour signed a lease with Dutchess County to build hangars at the Hudson Valley Regional Airport (formerly the Dutchess County Airport).

The second lease for the remainder of the site was awarded to Aviation Facilities Company, an international airport management and construction company, which proposed construction of a hangar facility to serve as a regional service base for an international jet charter/fractional operator.

Operations at the two facilities are expected to begin in 2028.

Congressman Pat Ryan, a member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, said the development “will create permanent, good-paying jobs right here in the Hudson Valley and expand the service capacity of Stewart International Airport.”

State Senator James Skoufis said the airport is “well-positioned to rebuild its passenger service.”

Orange County Partnership President Maureen Halahan said the Port Authority’s investment at Stewart “is an investment in our future.”

Orange County Chamber of Commerce President Heather Bell, said the new facilities will boost revenue through increased fuel flowage and land rents, but also attracts specialized companies and skilled labor.

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