Planning continues on remodeled Orange County Government Center


GOSHEN – The design efforts for the remodeled Orange County Government Center are in their final stages. Architects and engineers from Clark Patterson Lee, the developers for the project, gave a thorough presentation to the Orange County Government Center Building Committee Monday at the 911 Center in Goshen.
Phil Clark of Clark Patterson Lee said they are expecting to have finalized plans up for bid by June.
“We’re about 40 to 50 percent complete”, said Clark. “The timeline is to finish the design and those documents by June so they can be put out for competitive bid; that process takes about three months, and get construction started in September of this year and finished in spring of 2017.”

Clark, left: “… about 40 to 50 percent complete”

County Executive Steven Neuhaus said the total estimated cost of the project as of now is approximately $57.7 million with an additional $10 million for soft costs which would include things such as furnishings for the building. This figure is considerably less than the original $70-80 million estimate made back in January of 2015 for the project, he said, noting the new estimated cost has the potential to be reduced.
However, Neuhaus said there is a pressing issue with this project regarding the construction of a new Orange County Courthouse.
“What is at risk right now with Orange County is that the courts can withhold all state aid to Orange County if we do not move forward with some type of plan,” the county executive said.
Neuhaus said if this new plan does not go through the repercussions would be immediate from the state Office of Court Administration.
The current plan seems to be moving ahead as scheduled and County Legislature Chairman Stephen Brescia said he is pleased with its current trajectory.
“You know I think we should be proud of this project we’re moving ahead with,” Brescia said.  “It was a compromise of the entire legislature and I think it’s going to be a great end product. The Village of Goshen, the Town of Goshen, the courts want to see us move along and we want to see us move along; so, I think we’re going to be happy with the end result.”

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