Molinaro tells Ulster businesspeople housing costs and childcare costs difficult to manage

Rep. Marcus Molinaro speaking to the Ulster Chamber of Commerce.

SAUGERTIES – Congressman Marc Molinaro, (R-19th District) was the keynote speaker Thursday during the Ulster County Regional Chamber of Commerce’s monthly breakfast meeting.

He spoke about the needs of working families and their struggles to pay for expensive housing and childcare, and how this affects small businesses. But he also spoke about global problems, such as the wars in the Ukraine and the Middle East, and America’s commitment to help in both conflicts.

“The world is in crisis, and this world is better when America speaks with clarity. We cannot afford in this country to let other nations define the future of the globe because other nations don’t have that same fundamental commitment. When the world speaks with clarity, we must do it,” he said.

Molinaro described with pride why he recently voted for multi-billion-dollar aid packages to help the Ukraine in its fight against Russia and for supporting Israel in its fight to defend itself.

“It was critically important that we defend our friends and allies in Israel. It’s critically important that we push back against China, Iran and Russia, who are acting out with tyranny, with weaponry, with selfish hatred and evil. America’s message to the world must be that we stand on the side of good, that we defend democracy, and we will not shrink from our responsibility to be a leader in the world.”

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