Former congressman and family off to Paris

Former Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney. MHNN file photo.

COLD SPRING – It was back during last Christmas that former Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney wrote in a holiday greeting card that he would have “a new diplomatic gig in Paris” in 2024.

He was to be appointed as ambassador to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Since then, he did not respond to requests for comment. But the mission is apparently beginning now.

In a Facebook post on Sunday, Maloney’s husband, Randy Florke, wrote that he was off to Paris. “I’m thrilled for the next adventure however long it lasts but I will miss this beautiful country of ours and all my friends and family,” he said.

Florke wrote that “much has changed in the 40+ years since I moved to Paris for the first time with only cardboard boxes to bring my stuff.” He said he loved the city then “and I will love it as much this time.”

Florke said he is “so proud of (Maloney’s) public service as a congressman for 10 years and now as the ambassador to the OECD. Goodbye New York until we meet again.”

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