Letter to the Editor: The Fraudster

Letters to the Editor are accepted by Mid-Hudson News

Dear Editor,

Rob Doherty’s response letter (SC Democrat Sept. 29) to his being found guilty of defaming Louis Alvarez is an embarrassment to the residents of Sullivan County as well being insulting to women here and everywhere.  This ego maniacal story teller wants us to believe he did nothing wrong though it took the jury only 2 ½ hrs to render a decision.  He sees the outcome as setting back women’s rights for decades and views himself as a champion of their causes (I’m surprised he didn’t take credit for organizing the ‘Me Too Movement’) 

Character, integrity, and a honest representation of facts should matter, regardless of one’s political persuasion.  For those who believe Doherty’s fabrications that he alone, as his political signs, letters to the Editor, and constant chest pumping would want  you to believe, is responsible for the fiscal stability of the County, consider the following;

  1. The dramatic increase in sales tax revenue, as reported by SC Democrat Oct 2, has been a boon for the County.  Of course Doherty gives no credit to the Visitors Association, an agency he threatened to withhold funding from (what a visionary), whose efforts have been instrumental in the increased tourist dollars.
  2. There is no mention of the millions of federal covid dollars given to assist the County.
  3. The mishandling of the Adult Care Center.  Doherty called on the IDA, another agency he likes to trash, to rescue the County from what would have been a financial fiasco had we been forced to live with the original deal he spearheaded.

Much more troubling though was the immoral act to balance the budget at the expense of quality care at the Center.  There is and will never be justification for doing this.

Is this the kind of leadership we want??  Behavior like this should not be rewarded.

Steve White

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