New Windsor PD holiday patrol initiative successful


NEW WINDSOR – The New Windsor Police Department conducted Holiday Patrols in the commercial areas of town during the month of December 2020.

This increased patrol initiative consisted of uniformed officers in marked police cars, as well as less obvious patrols of detectives in unmarked police cars. 

The patrols occurred in and around the Vails Gate commercial area, as well as other strip mall and convenience store locations in the town.

 The purpose of the highly visible holiday patrols was to deter robberies and larcenies from occurring and to increase the overall safety of shoppers in town. 

The Holiday Patrol Initiative proved to very successful again this holiday season. In the commercial areas where the patrols occurred, there were no robberies, and only four larcenies reported for the whole month of December 2020. 

All four larceny cases resulted in an arrest and they were all shoplifting related. 

“Historically across the country, law enforcement sees an increase in robberies and larcenies during the holiday season and we simply will not allow this to happen here. 2020 marked our third holiday season in a row where we conducted these type of high visibility patrols,” said Police Chief Robert Doss. “Impressively and once again, our efforts showed an overall decrease in these type of incidents. I think it is so very important that people coming to New Windsor to visit our businesses feel safe and I think we accomplished this. The success of the holiday patrol initiative is a direct result of the hard work of our officers and detectives and I appreciate all their efforts.” 

It should also be noted that these patrols were conducted at no additional cost to the taxpayers, he said.

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