All New York schools to stay closed for remainder of academic year


ALBANY – Governor Cuomo just announced he is keeping all schools closed through the end of this academic year with students continuing distance learning.

The governor said he has not yet made a decision about summer school and reopening schools next fall.

“How does a school socially distance?” he asked.

Orange County Executive Steven Neuhaus commented on the extended school closings: “The COVID-19 numbers in Orange County are still increasing.  Yesterday (Thursday), alone we had nine fatalities in the County.  I don’t think many parents want to send their kids back to school, which includes riding buses, and interacting with a variety of people in the community. This is unfortunate and puts a burden on families, but it is the reality of where we are today. I want to thank the teachers and parents who are engaging in online learning during this challenging time.  I encourage students to continue to be diligent about their studies and schoolwork.”

Cuomo also noted that these are stressful times and said anyone who is in need of mental health aid, reach out.

Also said there has been an increase in reported domestic violence cases since COVID-19 led to a full-blown quarantine.


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