Paolilli ends more than 33 year career in law enforcement


As Newburgh chief, Paolilli spoke at this March 2010
news conference

HYDE PARK – Hyde Park Town Police Chief Eric Paolilli on Friday
announced for the last time on his police radio that he was “10-7,”
– out-of-service.

After a 33-year career in law enforcement, he was retiring and entering
a new career as a nurse practitioner.

The 53-year-old cop last served as Hyde Park chief for six years. He was
Marlborough Town Police chief before that.

The biggest chunk of his law enforcement career was in an urban setting,
in the Newburgh City Police Department where he retired in 2010 after
serving for more than five years as its chief.

Paolilli’s police career came full circle as he began in the six-officer
Town of East Fishkill Department when he was just 20 years old and now
retired from the Hyde Park town department.


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