Westchester Legislature chairman issues mid-year report


WHITE PLAINS – Westchester County Board of Legislators’ Chairman Benjamin Boykin calls the first six months of the year “a period of fast-paced achievement and historic change” for the lawmakers.
He issued a report detailing the work of the legislature, which included the passage of a law prohibiting gun shows on county-owned property.
The board also passed an immigration protection law; a law to combat gender and race-based wage gaps by banning salary history questions in hiring; a measure to encourage hiring in county contracts of businesses owned by service-disabled veterans; and raising the age for sale of tobacco products from 18 to 21.
“These are challenging times for Westchester,” Boykin said. “The county’s fiscal condition underpins everything we’ve done over the first six months of 2018, and it will affect everything we do for the rest of the year and for several years to come.”
But, Boykin said with new leadership and a new majority on the board, “we have begun to face these challenges and to deliver for the people of Westchester.”

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