What they are saying about Senator Larkin’s announced retirement


NEWBURGH – Following State Senator William Larkin’s announcement on Thursday that he will not seek re-election this fall, accolades started poured in.
Orange County Executive Steven Neuhaus has known the senator
since Neuhaus was in high school.  “Senator Larkin is a legend
in the Hudson Valley. He will always be revered for his lifelong dedication
to public service. From his days of service in the military to his tenure
in the State Assembly, to his time as Senator, Mr. Larkin has worked hard
for his constituents and done so with class and grace.”
Senator John Bonacic: “Bill Larkin has been a great colleague
who has done wonderful things for the people he represented during his
public service career. He dedicated his time in the legislature to doing
everything he could to fight for our veterans, and service members, and
will be remembers for his steadfast convictions, dedication to his constituents,
and his love of country.”
Assemblyman Kevin Cahill: “Just as the announcement by
Senator John Bonacic signaled the end of an era of senior leadership in
the State Senate for our area, Bill’s decades of service have helped
our communities in innumerable ways.”
Assemblyman Karl Brabenec: “Senator Larkin is a great
American hero and served his country, served his state well.”
Orange County Legislator James O’Donnell:  “We
will never have another senator like him. I was proud to work side by
side with him to get the armory up and running and put Orange County Community
College campus in Newburgh.”  
Orange County GOP Chairwoman Courtney Greene:  “It’s
a very emotional and moving day. We will certainly keep on his duty and
commitment to community service and public service.”
Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney: “Bill Larkin is one of the most honorable
people I’ve ever met. He’s dedicated his entire adult life to
the service of others – from the tropical islands of the South Pacific
and snow-capped mountains of Korea – to the halls of the state capitol
in Albany. Senator Larkin is a noble statesman and a happy warrior.”

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