Skartados and Kennedy gravely ill




NEWBURGH – Assemblyman Frank Skartados is in a local hospital suffering from a serious illness, a spokesman in his office said.
The 62-year-old Democratic lawmaker is not expected to recover, the official said.  The nature of the illness has not been disclosed.
Skartados represents portions of Orange, Dutchess and Ulster counties.
Dutchess County Executive Marcus Molinaro commented on word of Skartados’
illness. “We are deeply saddened to hear of the serious illness
of our good friend and community leader New York State Assemblymember
Frank Skartados. Frank has fought hard for what he believes in with an
unswerving goal of improving our community and the lives of his constituents. Our
thoughts and prayers are with Frank and his family and friends during
this difficult time.”
Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney said Skartados “is a fighter for
those he loves. I’ve seen it every day we’ve served together in how he
fights for his neighbors. It’s now up to all of us to fight for him with
our prayers and good thoughts.”
Another public official in the Mid-Hudson is not well. Newburgh Mayor Judy Kennedy, 73, has been battling cancer for some two years and now is being cared for in Hospice.
She has been open about her illness and has traveled to Mexico for alternative methods of care.
Many constituents of both officials have offered their prayers and best wishes on social media.

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