Dutchess Young GOP chairman says shooting Dem donkey was “unfortunate”


POUGHKEEPSIE – The use of the Democratic Party donkey emblem for Republican target practice was “unfortunate but obviously I hold no ill will toward our democratic contemporaries,” Dutchess County Young Republicans Chairman Marc Boissey said on Wednesday.
He was responded to criticism from Frank Mazzella, chairman of the county’s Young Democrats Committee, who called the Republicans’ “Shoot the Shamrock” use of the donkey as a target “arrogant politics.”  
“Although the Young Dems have seized this issue to score a political hit, we have a friendly history with our counterparts and have held many joint fundraisers for local charities,” said Boissey. “If anyone was offender by the donkey target, I obviously apologize. I also take this opportunity to apologize to all the Irish-Americans that may have been equally offended by the shamrock target.” 

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