White Plains Department of Public Safety Citizen’s Academy


WHITE PLAINS – The White Plains Department of Public Safety announces the continuation of the Public Safety Citizen’s Academy. This special and exciting eight-week program is intended for the residents of the City of White Plains who want to learn more about the White Plains Public Safety Department.
This Academy is offered free and is a hands-on, interactive, behind-the-scenes program that is taught by experienced police officers, fire fighters and emergency medical personnel.   
The concept of the Citizen’s Academy involves opening up the White Plains Public Safety Department to the residents of our city. The participants will see exactly what we do and how we do it.   As a result, graduates are better equipped to assess safety issues, share with others their knowledge of law enforcement practices and policies.   It is our hope is that the participants will gain a better understanding of the Public Safety professions
Given our commitment to the community and proactive problem-solving, we see the Citizen’s Academy as an effective way of bringing police officers, fire fighters, emergency medical personnel and our residents together in an informal, educational forum.
The benefits of such a partnership can only help strengthen the entire community in terms of public safety and quality of life. Classes will be held every Tuesday evening from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM.
 those interested are encouraged to email Lieutenant James Spencer, or call (914) 422-6341, for further information.

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