Three members of Wawayanda Six pay fine


Members of the Wawayanda Six and supporters gather outside town
court on Wednesday

WAWAYANDA – Half of the people dubbed the Wawayanda Six who were
found guilty of disorderly conduct for protesting at the construction
site entrance to the CPV electric power plant in the Town of Wawayanda
paid their fines and court fees totaling $375.

The Infrastructure Committee of the group Sustainable Warwick put up the
money for Naomi Miller, Madeline Shaw and Maureen Murphy Smolka.

Miller paid under protest.

“Although we feel very uncomfortable and dismayed at having to pay
to try to save people’s lives, we are grateful that we have the
support of 20 individuals and all the individuals that Sustainable Warwick
represents,” she said.
Terri Klemm and Maureen Murphy Smolka also paid their fines.

Madeline Shaw is not sure if she will pay the fine, which is due by June

“I am having such a problem reconciling giving one penny to the
town that sold us out. I have such love and respect for my colleagues
who are here and it’s totally personal reasons on each of our parts,”
she said. “I have not decided if I will pay the fine or not. It
seems to be gross hypocrisy. I don’t know whether I will be going
to jail. I don’t know what the sentence will be. That will certainly
enter into it.”

Pramilla Malik, another one of the six, is also unsure about paying or
going to jail.

“I think that the real criminals are the people that approved this
project and the CPV executives and they are the ones that belong in prison,”
she said.
Actor James Cromwell last week was emphatic in his decision not to pay
the fine and face jail time.




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