Middletown Democratic Committee endorses incumbent slate


MIDDLETOWN – The entire
incumbent slate has been endorsed by the Middletown City Democratic Committee.

The ticket, led by Mayor Joseph DeStefano, includes Common Council President
J. Miguel Rodrigues, Second Ward Aldermen Gerry Kleiner and newcomer Andrew
Green; Third Ward Alderwoman Kate Ramkissoon and Alderman Dr. Paul Johnson;
and Fourth Ward Alderman Jude Jean-Francois and Alderwoman Vanessa Morales-Cid.
Incumbent Kevin Witt is not seeking re-election.

DeStefano said the Democratic slate “is a refreshing combination
of seasoned incumbents and newcomers. He cited the “hard work”
of Rodrigues as being “instrumental in the successful operation”
of city government.

Middletown was the sole community in the Mid-Hudson to receive a $10 million
downtown economic revitalization grant from the state last year and the
first projects are beginning; construction has begin on a skateboard park
near City Hall and the former Woodworth building will be restored as a
hallmark of the downtown redevelopment efforts.




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