Indian Point 3 shut down for refueling, maintenance


BUCHANAN – Entergy’s Indian Point 3 nuclear power plant was shut down Monday morning for its scheduled refueling and maintenance. Unit 2 was refueled last year in the two-year rotating cycle of refueling.
The process takes about a month to complete with Entergy bringing in 1,000 additional workers to perform all of the tasks. That is on top of the 1,000 full-time Entergy employees at Indian Point, said spokeswoman Patricia Kakridas.
“They will be here for the period of the refueling and maintenance to conduct the different inspections and work that is occurring and that helps in terms of providing economic stimulus to the region,” Kakridas said.
This is the second-to-last refueling outage at Unit 3 before shutting down permanently by April 30, 2021. Unit 2 will conduct its final refueling and maintenance outage next spring before it shuts down permanently on April 30, 2020.
Entergy is investing close to $100 million at unit 3, including about $80 million on salaries and expenses for full-time and supplemental workers to complete the work. 

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