Middletown imposes downtown development moratorium


MIDDLETOWN – The downtown business district in the City of Middletown will now have a moratorium on development.
The common council approved the move Tuesday night so any new development coincides with the $10 million state Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI).
Corporation Counsel Richard Guertin said the freeze on development will last about six months.
“If you look at the draft DRI report, one of the things they are saying is they want to do new downtown zoning to make it consistent throughout the downtown area, so this is actually dovetailing perfectly with the report of DRI,” Guertin said. “We put in there June. If we need to extend it, we can. We try to keep any moratorium local law very short.”
As part of the $10 million investment by the state, the city is working with a professional planning consultant, which has met with city officials and residents to gain input on how best to use the funding. 

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