Water testing at two Minisink schools completed


SLATE HILL – All water sources used for drinking and food preparation at Minisink Valley High School and Middle School have tested below the allowable 15 parts of lead per billion, School District Superintendent Brian Monahan said.
In letters to the community, he said all 230 sources of water at the high school and 199 sources of water at the middle school were tested.
Of 74 fixtures that tested above the action level at the high school,
64 are science lab sinks. The other 10 fixtures consist of three hose
connections in the pool area; two kitchen kettle fillers that are not
in use; one office sink; and four science prep sinks.
At the middle school, of the 51 fixtures that tested above the action level, 40 are science room sinks. The remaining 11 consist of one girls’ bathroom sink; one kitchen kettle filler that is not in use; and nine outdoor water spigots.
“All of the affected fixtures and/or areas are clearly identified as unsuitable for drinking, and the district is implementing a plan to replace and retest fixtures as needed,” Monahan write.

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