NLRB rules against Marist College in faculty election


TOWN OF POUGHKEEPSIE – The National Labor Relations Board ruled that Marist College committed misconduct during the June 2014 union election of adjunct faculty to join the union of their choice.
The ruling sustained a previous ruling of a regional hearing officer in November 2014 and ordered a new election.
The NLRB sustained a previous ruling that Marist committed “objectionable conduct” during the election that interfered with the free choice of employees when former college President Dennis Murray promoted creation of an internal committee a week before the election in an attempt to dissuade adjuncts from voting for unionization. They also sustained a previous ruling concerning an announcement of a starting salary increase as an attempt to discourage voting for unionization.
“We feel validated by the National Labor Relations Board’s decision in affirming our right as adjuncts to a free and fair election without interference from the administration,” said adjunct English instructor Raphael Kosek, who has been teaching at the school for 14 years.
The adjuncts had sought to join Faculty Forward/Service Employees International, Local 200United. 

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