Sullivan lawmakers may relax residency requirements for some hiring


MONTICELLO – Some Sullivan County departments occasionally find
they do not have job applicants with all of the skills and assets they
would like. Some county officials say current residency requirements leave
them with a much smaller pool of residents with a broad bank of talents,
compared to much larger neighboring counties.

Legislator Nadia Rajsz, who chairs the county legislature’s Personnel
Committee, said during Thursday’s meeting, that relaxing the restrictions
might be prudent.

Committee member Ira Steingart had reservations.

“I think it’s sending the wrong message that we are not looking
to hire from within, and I just hope … I’m not in favor of
it,” Steingart said.
Rajsz responded, saying the revisions don’t wipe out residency
preferences; they just give departments an option to fill an important
position if no qualified county residents have applied.

“If they don’t qualify, then this gives them the ability to
look outside of our border,” Rajsz said.
The committee voted to forward the proposed policy amendments to the
full legislature for their monthly session on August 18.


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