Dutchess Community College budget approved by legislature


“Poverty Simulation” one of the challenging exercises this spring
at the college

POUGHKEEPSIE – Fewer students are expected at Dutchess County’s
two-year college this fall, and they will pay a bit more to be there. 
The county legislature approved the new budget following a public hearing
Monday night.
Despite the tuition increase, most who spoke were in favor of the budget.  That included parents, some students, and two faculty members.
Joanne Halsey, a 27-year math teacher and current president of Dutchess United Educators, likes the budget and the new college leadership that put it together.
 “Under Pamela Edington, there’s a new transparency at the college and do supports the emerging process of creating thought-filled budgets that speak directly to our strategic plan centered around student success,” Halsey said.
Another faculty member, Associate History Professor Dr. Laura Murphy, also supported the current budget but was concerned about possible underfunding going forward.
“Spending less on community colleges by reducing the number of faculty and support staff makes colleges less efficient, not more,” Murphy said, arguing the end result is fewer students completing their degrees.
That was a point picked up by County Legislator Joel Tyner, one of four
legislators to vote against the budget.  He called the budget “immoral.”
That choice of words offended Republican Marge Horton.
“Mr. Tyner, yes, has been here 13 years, but he is not the only one that worries about the students,” Horton said.  “I have a problem, after sitting here 14 years, to be told that I am partaking in an ‘immoral’ decision.  That’s really upsetting and I’d like the record to show that.”
Horton agreed with what Halsey, and others had said earlier about the openness of this year’s budget presentations.
The budget approved by the legislature on a 17-4 vote will increase tuition by $168 for the new 2016-17 academic year.  

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