NRC to reanalyze severe accident prevention measures at IP


BUCHANAN – The Nuclear Regulatory Commission on Wednesday ordered its staff to conduct a re-analysis of the impacts caused by severe accidents at the Indian Point nuclear power plant and potential upgrades needed to protect the public against such accidents.
Entergy is applying for renewed 20-year licenses for its two units.
State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said the commissioners’
decision “requires the NRC staff to do what should have been done
years ago: provide an accurate account of cost-effective upgrades at this
aging nuclear plant that can prevent or minimize severe accidents.”
Indian Point spokesman Jerry Nappi said that “none of the mitigation alternatives evaluated in the SAMA (Severe Accident Mitigation Alternatives) analysis are measures the agency has deemed necessary for safety. They are supplemental to mitigation capabilities NRC safety regulations already require.” He said Entergy will cooperate with NRC staff to provide additional information as requested. 

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