Schumer, Gillibrand urge FEMA to renew funding for Newburgh Fire Department


WASHINGTON – The effort to renew FEMA funds for the City of Newburgh Fire Department has two more allies – US Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand. The lawmakers on Tuesday urged the agency to renew $2.4 million in funding that provided for the hiring of 15 additional firefighters. Last week, Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney made the same request of FEMA.
“We need to make sure Newburgh has the adequate number of staff so they can do their jobs to the best of their ability and keep the community safe,” said Schumer.
Gillibrand called the federal money “an investment in the Newburgh Fire Department to help keep emergency response programs fully staffed.”
The City of Newburgh is the only department in Orange County staffed
exclusively with fulltime, paid firefighters.

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