Sullivan legislature approves additional investigator position for white collar crimes


Farrell and County Health and Family Services Commissioner
Joe Todora discuss the need for the investigator position

MONTICELLO – Sullivan County District Attorney James Farrell will soon by hiring another investigator who will work with other counties in the Mid-Hudson on white collar crime investigations.
After some discussion, the county legislature unanimously approved creating the investigator position within the DA’s office.
Farrell says the investigator will be assigned to the FBI’s White Collar Task Force based in Newburgh. 
“It’s certainly needed here in Sullivan County,” Farrell said.  “We have current investigations that need pursuit and this investigator will give us a ‘multiplier effect’ with respect to being able to bring resources from other agencies, including the FBI and the Southern District [U.S. Attorney’s office] into our community.”
The benefit for Sullivan is being able to bring the regional resources to the county, when needed.  The investigator, when on board, will work with other investigators and the U.S. Attorney.  

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