Long Eddy River Access property purchased


LONG EDDY – The acquisition
of the riverfront parcel adjacent to the existing Long Eddy River Access
in Long Eddy has been completed by the Delaware Highlands Conservancy.

With a bridge grant from the Open Space Institute for a portion of the
purchase, and donations from more than 100 people, the conservancy was
able to complete the purchase and will now work in partnership with the
state Department of Environmental Conservation to ensure the property
remains open for public access and necessary improvements are completed.

“With stirring, scenic views from either bank, this section of the
Delaware River is an amazing natural resource that now will be more accessible
to fishermen, kayakers, boaters and others,” said Christopher Mahoney,
head of OSI’s Land Grants Program.

The Long Eddy River Access purchase and future improvements are part of
a river revitalization plan to help Sullivan County drive more economic
benefit from its natural resources, and to improve the quality of life
for its residents.


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