No increase in gun permit applications in recent past


MID-HUDSON – Despite the
recent acts of terrorism in around the globe including this week’s
attack in California that left 14 innocent people dead, there have been
no obvious increases in the number of pistol permits being issued in area

Ulster County Sheriff Paul Van Blarcum said there has been no uptick in
permit applications in recent months and in Orange County, Undersheriff
Kenneth Jones said there has been no increase in the wake of those attacks.

“There was an increase over the volume of submissions that started
with the presidential campaigns talking about gun control and talking
about limiting firearms to law abiding citizens, which to me doesn’t
make a lot of sense, but I know that has been a topic of the presidential
campaigns and anytime we see conversations related the control of handguns
in particular, then we usually experience an uptick in submissions,”
he said.
Jones noted that applying for a gun permit and owning a weapon is a personal
issue; some people do not feel comfortable around guns, he said.


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