Cleanup action at American Valve Manufacturing


Removal of remaining copper and zinc contaminated soil related to the
American Valve Manufacturing site on Mansion Street in Coxsackie under
the state’s Superfund Program has begun.

The removed material will be placed on the secure, capped landfill already
constructed on site. The material will then be covered by topsoil and
vegetation to protect public and environment from any contact with it.

The former American Valve Manufacturing site covers some 12.5 acres and
has an eight-foot-high chain-link fence along its perimeter. A capped
foundry sand landfill – disposal site – encompasses some five
acres and is situated in the southwest corner of the property.

The site is zoned medium density residential and community commercial.
Homes are presently located on the sites of the site along Cato and Mansion
streets and Spencer Boulevard. The nearest home is about 50 feet from
the site. A cemetery and water tower are adjacent to the east-central
edge of the property.

AVM made valves and pipe fittings in the past with the site reported to
have started as an iron and brass foundry in 904 and later operated as
a brass foundry until it closed in 1985.

Waste shell molds and industrial wastes were dumped into a landfill on
the property but after it went out of business, the landfill was abandoned
and never properly closed.


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