Orange County Accelerator gets first tenant under new mission


NEW WINDSOR – The first tenant in the Orange County Accelerator’s new “maker space” mission has set up shop.
The accelerator was originally established as an incubator for start-up
businesses. Under new management, it is now being transformed to provide
space for small manufacturers in the fashion design and production field.
The first tenant is the Unshattered Program, part of the Walter Hogan Home in Garrison, said Orange County Industrial Development Agency Associate Executive Director Laurie Villasuso.
“They are fully funded on donations through fundraising and the director of the Unshattered program saw an opportunity to help that program raise money by creating pocketbooks and bags out of old coats that had been donated – old clothing – and try to make these bags to sell then, in turn, return the profit to the home, because it is a really fabulous program,” Villasuso said.
An existing business in the accelerator, Infinite Limit, will stay and has transitioned over to the design and production pod.

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