Kennedy says city will comply with subpoena


NEWBURGH – In light of
the revelation that the City of Newburgh has been subpoenaed by the Orange
County District Attorney’s Office to produce all documents and other
information, Mayor Judy Kennedy said on Tuesday the city will comply.

“I support transparency in city government,” she said in a
statement. “The city will comply with all requests from the District
Attorney’s office for information pertaining to disability claims
and disability hearings.”

Kennedy said she is glad a city-wide vote passed a referendum four years
ago that requires a super majority of the city council for the hiring
and firing of the city manager. “This city charter change prevents
the instability at City Hall that has happened over the years when disagreements
break out between the city manager and certain members of the council.”

The issue came to light after City Manager Michael Ciaravino began a probe
into potential corruption in city government concerning a disability claim
by a police officer.


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