Newburgh’s mayor introduces Latino council candidate


NEWBURGH – Mayor Judy Kennedy has
rounded out her reelection team with the announcement that Fernando Cardona
will be her running mate for the city council this fall.

Cardona is a native of Puerto Rico and has lived on the mainland for some
50 years. It is extremely important to have Latino representation on the
council, said Kennedy.

“This city has 48 percent Latino and we need additional Latino people
on the council to represent them. We have a good start with Councilwoman
Karen Mejia,” she said.
Cardona is a retired IBM’er.

There are two council seats up this fall and incumbent Cedric Brown is
joining Kennedy’s reelection team.

Four candidates will be vying for Democratic Party line for mayor in the
general election. They include Kennedy, Councilwoman Gay Lee, long-time
party leader Jonathan Jacobson and community activist Omari Shakur.



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