Wallkill tunnel dedicated to veterans


“Disabled American Veterans Tunnel” dedicated
on Friday

TOWN OF WALLKILL – Whenever people drive through the tunnels under railroad tracks on Silver Lake-Scotchtown Road in the Town of Wallkill, they will be reminded of those who sacrificed for our freedom.
The town Friday evening dedicated the tunnels as the “Disabled American Veterans Tunnels.”
Many veterans attended the unveiling of signs along with some active duty personnel like Tech Sgt. Matthew Kassel of the Air National Guard at Stewart Airport.
“I think the veterans are really going to appreciate it and it speaks volumes. It’s a nice way to keep it on people’s minds as they drive through the tunnel,” Kassell said.
Michael Aiello, commander of the DAV in Goshen said it was particularly
notable that the signs were installed and dedicated on Memorial Day weekend
as a constant reminder of the true meaning of the holiday, often forgotten
by many.
“They think of Memorial Day as nothing more than picnics, getting off from work, garage sales and sales at the mall,” Aiello said. “But Memorial Day is a remembrance of all those who lost their lives giving us what we have and I just wish that the younger people, and some of the adults, would realize that.”
The signs were the brainchild of Vietnam vet Michel Cody, who was humbled at the unveiling event.
“It took us a long time with everybody’s help. It’s a great honor for all vets,” McCody said.
Vietnam vet John Reuter said the signs are a tribute to all veterans. 

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