New Yorkers without health insurance may enroll through end of April


NEWBURGH – New York residents who do not have health insurance and were fined as a result last year have until April 30 to sign up for the New York State Health Marketplace for coverage.
The Greater Hudson Valley Family Health Center, headquartered in Newburgh, is available to assist persons in signing up, but beyond that, the agency provides health care to anyone who needs it, said Diane Scott, director of outreach and enrollment.
“Our role is really to ensure that we are providing access to healthcare and certainly having health insurance is one way to access healthcare,” Scott said.  “So we provide the support and assistance for people who require assistance in applying for health insurance so that they can access that healthcare.”  
Individuals with qualifying life events may sign up beyond the April 30 deadline. Those events include marriage, loss of insurance because one is no longer employed, or having a baby. 

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