Molinaro addresses economy, emergency resonse, campus sexual assault in State of the County presentation


HYDE PARK – Dutchess County Executive
Marcus Molinaro is presenting his 2015 agenda in an elaborate State of
the County event. In keeping with recent practice of highlighting prominent
industries and institutions in the county, the presentation is taking
place at the Culinary Institute of America.
Molinaro will not speak from a prepared script, using instead notes,
and a large screen PowerPoint presentation.
Among the highlights:
· Economic Development Strategy: Streamlining the economic development
apparatus with the dissolution of the Dutchess County Economic Development
Corporation and the reorganization of the Industrial Development Agency
with guidance from the Dutchess County Economic Development Advisory Council.
· Emergency preparedness – Dutchess Ready: Through training and
education, we can plan and prepare to better respond. In 2015, we will
assist residents to better equip themselves to handle emergencies with
the upcoming Citizen Preparedness Program.
· Enhancing Mental Health: Continuing to enhance mental health
services with innovative, responsive services including: Dutchess County
HELPLINE suicide prevention mobile app, adding the ability to connect
with HELPLINE simply by texting “DMH” to 741 741, and having
mental health programs available in schools as part of the school resource
officer program.
· Coordinated Response To Substance Abuse Epidemic: Dutchess County
is investing $6 million in 2015 to prevent and treat those dealing with
substance abuse problems.
· Sexual Assualt Response Team: National statistics regarding
college campuses are disturbing: 1 in 5 college women and 1 in 16 college
men are victims of sexual assault while an estimated 80% of college campus
rapes go unreported.


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