O&R notes some heating methods create carbon monoxide risk


PEARL RIVER – As frigid temperatures and wind chills continue to hover over the region, Orange and Rockland Utilities Thursday reminded its customers that carbon monoxide poisoning can result from using malfunctioning, improperly vented or makeshift heating units.
Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that is invisible, odorless and tasteless. It is formed by the incomplete burning of fuels such as heating oil, wood, gasoline, natural gas, propane and charcoal.
When heating units or motors are not working properly, or if exhaust fumes and chimneys are not properly vented outdoors, carbon monoxide can accumulate in the home, building or garage.
The dangers of CO can be reduced by the installation of approved CO detectors, which can provide early warning of accumulated CO before it reaches a dangerous level.
Breathing even small amounts of carbon monoxide can result in headaches, dizziness and nausea. Prolonged exposure can result in more serious illness, or even death. Anyone experiencing any of those symptoms should immediately open the windows in their home and seek medical attention.
If you smell gas, call 911 or O&R’s 24/7 gas emergency hotline at 800-533-5325. 

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