Westchester communities, non-profits to resume receiving HUD grants


WHITE PLAINS – Local governments and non-profits that lost federal Housing and Urban Development Community Development Block Grant funding in past years because of an ongoing legal battle between HUD and the Astorino administration in Westchester County, will resume receiving them this year.      
Congressman Nina Lowey (D, NY17) announced on Monday that through an agreement with the state, this year’s $5 million in federal funds will be available on a competitive basis to those communities and agencies that had been part of a consortium that has since expired.
County legislators on both sides of the political aisle praised the funding commitment, but Chairman Michael Kaplowitz was concerned about future money.
“This does not affect the overall 2009 housing settlement; that still has to be decided, and it doesn’t answer all of the questions,” Kaplowitz said.  “For example, 2016 and beyond, what happens?”
New York State Homes and Community Renewal will distribute some $3.3
million in Westchester CDBG funds through competitive application. More
than $600,000 will be available from emergency shelter grants and over
$900,000 will be available for the HOME Investment Partnerships Program.

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