Business climate in New York remains difficult, says Ulster IDA chairman


KINGSTON – There may be new programs
to attract business to New York, but to one local official, the state
is still a rough place to operate a company.
Ulster County Industrial Development Agency Chairman Michael Horodyski, who was re-elected to that post Wednesday, said New York is a “difficult” state in which to do business.
As far as the Ulster IDA goes, Horodyski doesn’t see much on the horizon in terms of big development in the new year.
“Our revenue projection for projects is pretty modest,” Horodyski said. “We are not expecting any huge influx of fees or anything like that so that in turn means there is no influx of large scale projects.”
Despite the loss of casino gaming in Ellenville, Horodyski said he is confident that area of the county will survive and the economy will grow.

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