Delaware at Port Jervis crests at 13 feet

PORT JERVIS – The City of Port Jervis, which often gets slammed when heavy rains hit the region, escaped relatively unscathed by the remnants of

Delaware at Port Jervis crests at 13 feet

PORT JERVIS – The City of Port Jervis, which often gets slammed when heavy rains hit the region, escaped relatively unscathed by the remnants of

Body recovered from Delaware

PORT JERVIS – The body of a swimmer who went missing in the Delaware River late afternoon on Sunday was recovered by fire department divers

Body recovered from Delaware

PORT JERVIS – The body of a swimmer who went missing in the Delaware River late afternoon on Sunday was recovered by fire department divers

Swimmer missing in Delaware River

(c)PORT JERVIS – A 32-year-old man who was swimming in the Delaware River off Port Jervis Sunday evening went under water and has not been

Swimmer missing in Delaware River

PORT JERVIS – A 32-year-old man who was swimming in the Delaware River off Port Jervis Sunday evening went under water and has not been