Putnam’s first responders recognized

Putnam County dispatchers Shawn Madsen and Heather Fox answering 911 calls

CARMEL – They are the first to receive a call for help be it fire, police assistance or an urgent need for an ambulance.

Putnam County’s first-first responders are a dedicated group of highly trained men and women who last year answered more than 116,000 calls for help while dispatching fire, EMS and police 13,000 times.

Last week was dubbed as National Tele-communicators’ Week in Putnam County and on Wednesday afternoon, Commissioner of Emergency Services Robert Lipton were joined by County Executive Kevin Byrne when visiting the 911 Center and thanking the committed team of professionals for “serving as the single link for insuring the safety of police, firefighters and emergency medical services personnel.”

Lipton described 9-1-1 dispatchers as the “front line in our communities” while Byrne personally thanked each of Putnam’s dedicated workforce for a “job well done.”

Cindy Jacobsen, the center’s supervisor of Communications reported in 2023, 86,749 incoming calls that included 25,802, 911 cell calls, 6,689, 911 land line calls and 54,249 administration incoming calls.

Added to the large number were 29,297 outgoing calls to other agencies related to crisis situations.

Jacobsen said the numbers increased by 2.5 percent over 2022 with numbers on the rise again this year.

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